LOST AT CHRISTMAS - This heart warming seasonal new feature film showcasing our latest original score is available now on iTunes and Amazon Prime

PICTURES FROM AFGHANISTAN - Proud to have composed a whole suite of original music for Robbie Fraser's excellent documentary covering veteran war photographer and correspondent David Pratt's extensive work in Afghanistan. More information on this programme from Dulimer Films on the BBC's website

AWARD WIN - for Outstanding Score for writer/director, Ryan Hendrick's critically acclaimed film 'Sundown' at the High Peak Independant Film Festival in Derbyshire, UK

AWARD NOMINATION - for the Crystal Pine Best Original Score for 'Sundown' at the International Sound and Film Music Festival in Pula, Croatia.

NEW AGENT - Moonglass are proud to announce our representation with our new agents, Brennan Artists.

HOORAY FOR HOLLYWOOD -Scored by Moonglass, Ryan Hendrick's beautiful film 'Sundown' makes the official selection for the Holly Shorts Film Festival.in LA and premieres at the Chinese Theatre. Stephen flies over to attend the screening.

BAFTA WIN - Moonglass scored film, Happy Together by "Running in Traffic" director Dale Corlett, wins a BAFTA.